The Farewell Tour…

womenoffaith-logoWomen of Faith! What a wonderful 20 years of listening, learning, worshipping, and savoring sweet moments together with these spectacular women! What an honor to have been at the very last one in Anaheim, thank you so much, Lisa Love for the tremendous gift! If you were not able to go, here is a scattering of quotes and quips (some silly, some serious) by a handful of my favorites from the weekend, I hope one or two (or all) resonates with your heart today!

Sheila Walsh…

  • Q – What’s your favorite word?                                                                                                                                                 A – “FAT” Because if you can make peace with that, you can live with the rest of the vocabulary. 🙂
  • Guilt tells me I’ve done something wrong. Shame tells me I am something wrong.
  • We dilute words in our culture… MERCY is a mighty word.
  • Sometimes God will take you to prison to set you free.
  • Some of our masks are just more expensive, but they serve the same purpose.
  • Your history does not dictate your destiny!

Steve Arterburn…

  • When God gives you a vision, He gives you people.
  • Women need health and healing connection with each other.
  • Every woman needs to find her strong voice and start living her strong life.
  • Don’t let terrorists take over your strong voice. (Ex. Todd Beamer… “Let’s Roll”)
  • We all need a herd!
  • Let Jesus transform your woes to WOAHS!

Jen Hatmaker…

  • I want to be a dad when I grow up.
  • During every one of our family road trips I went through four phases:                                                                               a) patient optimism   b) irritated intervention   c) terrifying serial killer   d) quiet acceptance
  • You are loved. You are chosen. You are part of God’s forever family.

Luci Swindoll…

  • I would love to be thin, I just don’t want to lose weight 🙂
  • From birth to 18 a girl needs good parents, from 18-35 she needs good looks, from 35-55 she needs a good personality, and from 55 on she needs cash! ~Sophie Tucker
  • Just be YOU!

Sarah Jakes Roberts…

  • Referring to the story of Ruth and Naomi… Ruth: Life happened to her unexpectedly. Naomi: Life changed her name!
  • Lost, broken, unsure Naomi was transparent enough to admit that she was broken.
  • Christ’s strength is made perfect when we say,”OUCH”.
  • I thought ‘Jesus Be Busy’ so I decided to become the architect of my own life, what a terrible idea!
  • What if, on the other side of your pain, there is a peace so great that it would make every tear worth it?
  • We are LOVED… past tense!
  • Life is designed to rob you of the feeling of being truly loved!

Thelma Wells…

  • We are called to get our PhD in love, mercy, tenderness, and grace.
  • Jesus looks down at our devastation and sees us in our need.
  • (After being trapped in a closet daily at the age of 6…) God saw me and rescued me in the closet.
  • In fact, I learned to sing in the closets of life! I’ve had to sing my way through the closet of cancer and the closet of a stroke.
  • B + E + E = S
  • B – Be aware of who you are!                                                                                                                                             E – Eliminate the effects of negativity.                                                                                                                                 E – Focus on things with eternal value, only what we do through Christ will last!                                                               S – True success!

“You measure the size of the accomplishment by the obstacles you have to overcome to reach your goals.”                                                                                                                                                                        ~ Booker T. Washington

  • Finally, Get over yo self cuz yo self can’t save yo self!

Sandi Patty…

  • The older I get… the more I learn… the less I know.

Marilyn Meberg…

  • Hope is the expectation of fulfillment that is anchored in God’s promise to meet my need. Hope is not based on my mental or emotional determination. It is rooted in God. Quite simply, we are optimistic because of where we have placed our hope.
  • Isaiah 43 is a moving declaration of His love!
  • God never drops our leash!

Patsy Clairmont… (my absolute favorite for two decades!)

  • Sometimes I wake up and say, “Good Morning, Lord!” and sometimes I say, “Good Lord, it’s morning!” 🙂
  • I’m not that cute when I don’t cry, but when I do cry, I’m scary!
  • On the secret to a happy marriage… #1 Give your partner a little space so they can take a breath without inhaling you! #2 We have learned how to not only survive, but to thrive, and when we couldn’t stand each other anymore, we would each tattle to Jesus!  #3 I travel A LOT!
  • I decided that I wanted to be healed, I didn’t want to stay broken. I simply didn’t want to live a life filled with hurt and anxiety.
  • You don’t have to stay stuck.
  • You are more than you know.
  • God has a divine plan and in that divine plan He has included US and that gives us a reason to party hearty!!
  • When we read the Bible, it’s not words on a page, it’s council for our lives!
  • The enemy is an identity thief. He comes for the sole purpose of robbing us of our true value.
  • I do not understand God’s generosity – it is beyond anything that I could measure!
  • If you don’t want to know the truth, don’t read Proverbs! It’s brutally honest! It gets all up in your business!
  • Lonely is such a human condition. When you finally see the sweet feet of Jesus, you’ll be over lonely!
  • If there’s not a white chalk mark around your body God still has a plan and a purpose for your life!!

Last, but not least, Misc. Quotes…

  • In our relationships we must be careful to create a “grace space”.
  • Women assume so many roles each day, we don’t talk to ourselves, we talk amongst ourselves!
  • Put on your oxygen mask first before you try to assist others!
  • When we don’t want to be truly transparent, Christian ministry is often the perfect place to hide.
  • If you want to be loved back to life, begin day spending five minutes with Jesus!
  • Faith + Fitness = Freedom
  • Drop your rocks! Rocks don’t hit sin, they hit people!!
  • Jesus loves us and there’s nothing we can do about it!

You are seen! You are known! You are loved! You are free!

“I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.” Jer. 31:3


Because I was trying to scribble in the virtual darkness of the Honda center, I’m positive that i missed lots of hidden gems! If you have thoughts and quotes that I missed, please add them to the comments section on Facebook!! Thank you!!

Tank and Big Mama

“Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.”   

What do Kramer, Moose, Capi, H2O, Torch, Lurch, Little Gray, Cub, Karch, YY, Kit Kat, T.O., and Beast have in common? One might be led to believe that this is the starting line-up of a pee wee Pop Warner team, or possibly a list of lesser known characters from Sandlot or Little Giants. But, in actuality, they are just a small sampling of the names I have given to some of my middle schoolers over the years. Sometimes I pick the nickname, sometimes they pick the nickname, sometimes their given name is just so dang cool that no nickname is sufficient! I love this particular part of my relationship with our students because (I hope) they feel loved, they feel special, they feel seen, they feel known.

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary defines the word “name” as a “word or phrase that constitutes the distinctive designation of a person or thing.” Names are very important. They identify us; they are who we are known by; they are what we respond to; and in some cases, because of a name, we are given access and authority. The first word that most of us were taught to write was our name. It is that important!

I’ve been intrigued lately by the multitude of Names of God which has led me to a study of the names God calls us! WE HAVE NICKNAMES! How cool is that??

Let’s take a peek at the list…

Chosen“Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience.” (Colossians 3:12)

Beloved“The beloved of the Lord dwells in safety.” (Deuteronomy 33:12)

Child“See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are.” (1 John 3:1)

Friend“… but I have called you friends…”(John 15:15)

(His) Workmanship“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” (Ephesians 2:10). Another translation here is Masterpiece! (work of art!)

Treasured possession“The Lord your God has chosen you to be a people for His treasured possession, out of all the peoples who are on the face of the earth.” (Deuteronomy 7:6)

Sons and Daughters“And I will be a Father to you, and you shall be sons and daughters to Me, says the Lord Almighty.” (2 Corinthians 6:18)

Heirs “And if children, then heirs—heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with Him in order that we may also be glorified with Him.” (Romans 8:17)

Holy and Blameless” Even as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before Him.” (Ephesians 1:4)

the Apple of His eye“Keep me as the apple of Your eye; hide me in the shadow of Your wings.” (Psalm 17:8)

Blessed. “Blessed is the one You choose and bring near, to dwell in Your courts!” (Psalm 65:4)

What amazes and delights me to my core is that God always knows which name to call me in every circumstance!! (I’ll bet He even has middle names for me when I’m being a stinker!) He KNOWS ME! HE KNOWS YOU!

Some days my God given “nickname” defines me. Some days it encourages me. Some days it reflects my heart’s desires. Some days it is a call to obedience. Some days it is simply a reminder of Whom I belong to.

In one the of the best movies of all time (this is a non-negotiable!), The Princess Bride, Inigo Montoya’s name consistently represents pride and valor. It is his badge of honor. He LEADS with that… every time he meets an adversary!

My goal is to know my name (or names) and to LEAD with that when I’m tempted to forget the One who named me!!


What is your favorite name God calls you?

By what nickname is God calling you today?

P.S. In case you’re wondering… Tank and Big mama are our future grandparent names 🙂

Pushed Up Against God

“It’s because I’ve been pushed up against God and God has shown me some deep things about His purpose and Himself that for me are so satisfying and so pleasurable that I wouldn’t trade this wheelchair for anything.”                      -Joni Eareckson Tada

“It restores what joy you may have lost because you will see that no matter what comes your way, you can recover, you can rebuild and you can be restored,” -Derrick Sykes

Ten Years Ago…

imageToday, as a matter of fact. A precious little lamb, Jenna Grace Painter, was being diagnosed with an uncharacteristically strong, Category 4 brain tumor that would, just 16 short months later, escort her right into the loving arms of her Shepherd. The diagnosis would arrive like a hurricane and threaten to devastate her family and the families in their community as they battled the fiercest of storms. Together they loved, encouraged, supported, and fought. Together they grieved, mourned, were pushed up against God.

Today this precious family, like New Orleans, is recovering. They are building into the lives of others who have weathered similar storms. They continually open their hearts to grief, and allow the Holy Spirit to minister to so many through their vulnerability. They are an example to me (and to all who know them) of utter, unconditional hope. Not only hope, but genuine joy that truly surpasses all understanding, and I’m honored and amazed to have been a small part of their big lives! May we never forget and may our hearts forever be changed!

Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

Heb. 4:16


“My personal feeling is that if you are able to survive the climb of life on whatever mountain it is you’ve set out to master, and if in the bit between the base and the peak you learn something from both the good and the bad alike, and if you live to tell about it with gratitude, you’ve succeeded.” -Shania-

If you would have peeked through my front window on any given day during the second half of the 90’s, you would have caught Shania Twain and I doing a duet! As she brilliantly belted out, “…when I cook dinner and I burn it black he’d better say, ‘mmm, I like it like that!'” over my stereo system, I dusted, vacuumed, folded laundry, and anything else that allowed unhindered freedom to be a rock star! I have the sweetest memories of family road trips that included, “Whose Bed Have Your Boots Been Under” and “Man, I feel Like A Woman”. (Yet another opportunity to judge my parenting!)

One of the sweetest by-products of having a traveling/adventurous family, is that we love to give adventures as gifts!! This year my son, Cody, gifted me with tickets to see Shania in person!! I was thrilled to death at the opportunity to relive some of these most precious moments watching her live! The concert was beyond my expectation. The light show was, quite honestly, second to none, and Shania was delightfully perfect! We experienced the added bonus of having a power outage, in the Staples Center, in the middle of, “That Don’t Impress Me Much” (Not gonna lie, it was impressive!). Because the tour is Shania’s first tour in eleven years and serves as her farewell tour, it was especially sweet!

First tour in ELEVEN years? What? Why? Little did I know that Shania has navigated a tragic and painful path in order arrive at  this moment! For me, life has been busy over the last 15 years, and I’m not usually one to keep up with the lives of the rich and famous. I honestly had no idea of her journey or of the roadblocks, obstacles, and heartaches she has endured. This woman is the singing, dancing, joke-cracking, high-kicking embodiment of, “Feet Up and Go”!

Shania TwainHer story includes grinding poverty of her rural childhood; her devastating loss, at 22, of both parents in a car crash; the profound illness that threatened to silence her singing voice; and the betrayal that broke her heart — when her husband/manager ran off with her best friend.

I’d like to share a bit of her story in her own words as told to “Nightline” anchor, Cynthia McFadden…

Twain’s breakout album, “Come On Over,” released in 1997, was a joint project with music producer Robert “Mutt” Lange, 62. The couple produced many songs together in the years to come and eventually fell in love and married. For Twain, it was practically love at first sight.

 But with her punishing tour and studio schedules, Twain said she eventually began to sense that something was wrong with her marriage around the time of her 2004 “Up” tour.

“When I started to get lonely, then I knew that something wasn’t right,” she said. “I’m married to someone I love, and I’m so lonely…I didn’t want to live that way.”

Twain said she began confiding heavily in her close friend, Marie-Anne Thiebaud. They were friends for years until Twain confronted Thiebaud and Lange about having an affair, which she said would ultimately end Twain and Lange’s 14-year marriage. She divorced Lange in 2009. (Both Lange and Thiebaud have publicly denied the affair ever happened.)

“I was angry at Mutt for not listening to me and not answering my questions, more than the affair itself,” she said.

Since learning of Lange’s alleged betrayal, the five-time Grammy winner said she has developed dysphonia, a physical and physiological ailment that wouldn’t allow her to sing properly.

“The muscles literally constrict the voice box and prevent air from flowing properly,” Twain said. “You don’t get any volume, which is not very good for a singer. It’s got nothing to do with the vocal chords, the voice was perfectly fine,” she continued. “I would say the envelope around the vocal chords was restricting, and not allowing the vocal chords to do their job. It’s hard to explain, when you have an impairment in the voice-box area, it affects you psychologically — you get gun-shy: ‘Can I go for that note, that sound?’ It’s a vicious cycle.”

Talking about it now has become a large part of her road to recovery. Forcing herself to do things that are difficult, taking herself out of her comfort zone, facing her anxieties, and just getting more comfortable with her fears have provided the healing that she never thought possible.

There is obviously much more to this story, but, the bottom line is that Shania has chosen to pick her feet up and go even though retreating into a world of hurt and self pity could very well have claimed her future! I honestly have no clue about Shania’s (private) spiritual convictions, but I am convinced that the God who created her, loves her and has sustained her in her darkest hours. I know this because He alone has proven faithful time and time again in my own life and in the lives of so many broken hearts that I’ve loved and prayed with.

When circumstances threaten to overwhelm us, constricting our “voice”, He continually reassures us with His tender words…

Psalm 40:3
He has put a new song in my mouth, even praise to our God; many will see it, and fear, and will trust in the Lord.
What has silenced your voice and caused you to withdraw in fear?
How many years has it been since you were “on tour”? (Using your gifts to their full potential?)
What practical, bold steps is God calling you to do to today to begin the road to healing?


I am one of those ridiculous readers who peeks at the last page before I begin a new book. (Hear me out before you judge me!) I am able to enjoy a story more if I know the ending ahead of time, even if it’s sad, it calms my heart.  Before I begin, let me allow you to sneak a peek at the last page… this tremendous journey includes torture, pain, disillusionment, recovery, and ultimately, triumph!
Most people in my little community have tattoos – that’s not unusual. What is unusual is that I have two very close friends with the date August 22 tattooed on their forearms. One is in memory of a beloved Grandmother. It’s a tribute to a godly woman who left a legacy of love. The other is a daily reminder of God’s omnipotence and sovereignty in the midst of tremendous suffering. Both are designed to be seen by others, and both are permanent testimonies to the faithfulness God.
“Sometimes valleys can be the highest places of all with absolutely no footing to be found.”
August 22, 2008.
Louie’s story, in his own words… “Our family had just returned from a wonderful vacation, the summer was coming to a close, I was about to begin my junior year at CSULB, and I was working at a coffee shop in Signal Hill. I often chose the 5:00 A.M. shift because I enjoyed working in the early mornings, serving the Boeing employees. it was typically a flurry of activity followed by a 90 minute lull. By 5:40 the restaurant was empty and my co-worker and I were  preparing for the next group of patrons when the back door opened and a man in a ski mask and black sweatsuit entered shouting and waving a pistol. It was a surreal moment, I momentarily paused to stare at him. In an instant, I hit the ground, unconscious. I had been cold-cocked.
As I roused (my head bleeding profusely), he shoved the gun in my face and initiated what felt like an eternity of torture. Violent, erratic, impulsive, drug induced shouting coupled with continuous beating with the butt of the pistol. My only recourse was to try to block his repeated shots with my hands, and comply with his commands. Terror had caused my coworker to literally pass out so I was on my own with my tormentor. The cameras were off, the neighborhood was still sleepy, absolutely noone was going to come to my rescue.
Frustrated at my lack of ability to satisfy his demands, he started punching and kicking my coworker until she woke. As I begged him to stop hurting her he held the gun to her head and said, ‘I will kill her!’ In an attempt to appease him, my coworker steadied herself enough to walk to the front of the store and get whatever cash we had in the register. For the first time since the ordeal started, he looked me straight in the eyes, confirmed the bullet in the chamber, cocked the gun, and said, ‘I’m going to shoot you now.’ That was it. I closed my eyes and turned my head. Everything went black.”
“In suffering, the trivial is excised, the essential is emphasized.” – Charles Stanley
Outside the realm of Louie’s conscious awareness or ability to fully comprehend, the assailant received a message (via walkie-talkie) to grab the bags of cash and exit the building, immediately! The thief fled in a haste, never to be caught or held accountable for his actions. In dazed confusion, Louie recalls the police arriving with a barrage of questions, followed by a trip to the hospital for a Cat Scan and complete work-up. Dilated pupil, injuries to his face and head, and shock were the immediate concerns of his medical team. Eventually, test results revealed minor injuries, all manageable with no lasting results. Little could Louie know that the emotional injuries he sustained during this profoundly traumatic event would plague his soul, to his very core, over the course of the next handful of years.
                        “Our wrestling is against the backdrop of an all-powerful God who loved us enough to cast His precious Son into a cauldron of suffering.” – Charles Stanley

PTSD. According to the Mayo Clinic, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is a mental health condition that’s triggered by a terrifying event. Symptoms may include flashbacks, nightmares, and severe anxiety, as well as uncontrollable thoughts about the event. Add to this list life-threatening depression, obsessive-compulsive behavior (like compulsively locking doors and windows), and anger and that would be an accurate snapshot of Louie in the months following the attack. He recalls being camped in a pit of despair and felt utterly isolated, not only from the friends and family that loved him so much, but from the God of his childhood faith. Confusion and despair are hideous companions, and he felt tremendous hostility towards His Savior. Apparent abandonment left him bruised and broken. Well-intentioned saints attempted to give simple, “God has a plan” encouragement. Salt on an open wound, the words stung and stripped him of all comfort. It was in 2010 that the rubber met the road. During a moment of despair, Louie told his friend and counselor, “No one loves me”. His response was, “You’re right, no one does.”

“Suffering is inevitable, but not permanent.” – Charles Stanley
Counseling was key to his recovery! “My counselor gave me the freedom to grieve instead of trying to fix me. He helped me figure out who I was. He helped me to understand, with fresh eyes, that NO ONE would ever love me the way I was made to be loved. Prior to the attack I had settled for things, cheap imitations – people, success, dating – all these things fell away in the crucible of trauma.” After 18 months oIMG_0970f struggle, he reached out to his Savior with a bold  request. “God, show me Your love.” And He did! Louie shares that within 4-6 weeks of the simple plea he was entirely renewed. New attitude, new heart, new personality with an unquenchable desire to love people. He adamantly insists that all of this came as a direct result of asking for it!

“No, this is the kind of fasting I want: Free those who are wrongly imprisoned; lighten the burden of those who work for you. Let the oppressed go free and remove the chains that bind people.
Share your food with the hungry, and give shelter to the homeless. Give clothes to those who need them, and do not hide from relatives who need your help. Then your salvation will come like the dawn, and your wounds will quickly heal. Your godliness will lead you forward, and the glory of the Lord will protect you from behind.” Is. 58:6-8

As August 22 approaches, Louie is a changed man. Loving marriage, a beautiful baby, a wonderful job, a healthy mind… that’s what restoration looks like these days. His tattoo is simply a permanent reminder to “live every day like it’s my last.” His heart’s desire is to hold nothing back! Nothing! Not emotion, not grief, not love, not compassion, not words of mercy and grace! Nothing!
His salvation has come like the dawn and his wounds are healed. He shares his story with a grateful heart, and has utter confidence in the lovingkindness of the God who heard him in the depths of his despair. He is ready to pick up his feet and go!
  • How have difficulties, challenges, and even pain shaped your character and values?
  • How are you different today as a result of the problems you’ve had to face in life?
  • Can you ever imagine thanking God someday for how suffering has molded you?

Gripping The Dirt!

‘Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, Surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’                                                                                            Isaiah. 41:10

FEAR – lit. “sudden attack,” A feeling of anxiety and agitation caused by the perceived presence or nearness of danger, evil or pain. To feel frightened, timid, apprehension, terror, or dread. (Webster’s Dictionary)

One of the great blessings in my life is being a middle school science teacher. If you’ve ever seen the children’s show, The Magic School Bus, you’re familiar with the character of Ms. FrizzleI am a living replica (complete with ridiculous earrings, t-shirts, etc…)  There are few adventures that bring me more joy than hitting the road with my students – walking, driving, boating, flying… I LOVE FIELD TRIPS!! 🙂 I love the real life, hands-on learning that getting out of my classroom provides. I especially enjoy watching my students interact with each other, explore new ideas, develop a sense of wonder, and, occasionally, step out of their comfort zone (my actual favorite). I have had the privilege of accompanying thousands of teenagers on hundreds of  field trips, but one day in particular stands out among the rest.

Griffith Park Observatory. Just saying those words fills me with wonder and delight. High atop a peak in the Hollywood Hills stands this literal beacon of educational illumination. The drive through Griffith Park is glorious and the assent to the Observatory is mesmerizing – I never tire of it!

One of the requirements on my field trips is B.Y.O.L. (bring your own lunch). I understand that nothing distracts from learning like the pangs of hunger so I make certain that our first stop is to fill their bellies. Griffith Park has a lovely picnic area that requires a smidge of a hike. Nestled at the end of a broad path is a hidden grove of picnic benches, climbing rocks,               and little “mini hikes” for the quick eaters.

Enter Lucas (not his real name :0). Picture a small framed, anxious little 12 year old with unruly hair, extra large framed glasses, and an enormous Minecraft backpack filled to the brim with food, beverages, inhaler, jacket, and camera. Because he chose to snack on the drive up, his backpack was unzipped. Lucas struggles with fear, primarily of heights, and he was well aware of the drop off as he rode “shotgun” in his chaperone’s car. When his car arrived, the students piled out and headed up the path to join the group. As I lead Lucas to the “trailhead” he took one look at his soundings and, in an instant, (quicker than I could have imagined possible) he HIT THE DIRT… LITERALLY! He face planted! The entire contents of his backpack went flying in all directions as his outstretched hands proceeded to frantically grip the dirt! Once the dust settled, I got him to his terrified feet, picked the pine needles out of his hair, patted the dirt off of his clothing, and collected his belongings. I was shocked, he was too! The level of fear that gripped his entire being blind-sided him leaving him desperately grasping handfuls of dirt.

Angst, the German word for fear, had unsettled his timid heart on the drive up and manifested itself the second he stepped on to the path. He was completely safe, nowhere near an edge of any kind, but the apprehension that festered inside of him like a blister suddenly “popped” leaving him terrified, face down, struggling to hold tight to loose dirt!!

I have gripped the dirt far too often in my life. I have face-planted in fear and allowed my joy, my peace, my faith to go flying! I like predictability, so when circumstances sweep my feet out from under me, I am embarrassingly quick find myself grasping the ground. Why do I prefer to cough up dust and pick gravel out of my teeth? Because (quicker than I could have imagined possible) I forget that HE is trustworthy! My solid ground. HE alone is predictable and certain.

Do not fear” is not a suggestion. “Do not anxiously look about you” is not an option.They are spiritual mandates for a healthy walk. The only way to develop radical faith is to start right where we are, at the trailhead of our journey. We must passionately pursue our God who is faithful to shore up fearful feet, able to dust off the soil of worry and anxiety, help us collect our joy and peace, and diligent to renew our faith so we can pick our feet up and go!

F.E.A.R. – Forget Everything And RUN! (to Jesus!)


  • What causes you to fear?
  • How do you react in times of real fear?
  • Fight, flight, or FAITH?

Carpe Vita! (Seize the Life!)

 “I came that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” John 10:10

At 7lb. 7oz she entered the world on Aug. 4th with an unassuming exuberance that would define her life. In the 48 hours that followed her birth she encountered her first hiccup and needed a handful of days in the NICU to gain her footing. And gain her footing she did, with a vengeance! She taught us immediately that strength and determination would be her platform positions, while genuine love and compassion would allow her to weave a magnificent masterpiece.

Our daughter, Kimberly, is the definition of “Feet Up and Go”. Creative, hardworking determination has driven her to make bold moves. Some move, like volunteering in Buenos Aires, Argentina for a season, have required more stamina than she anticipated, but, failure was never an option! Holding fear at bay, she learned to immerse herself in the culture, establish a community of friendships quickly, respond positively to unexpected opportunities for adventure, and, most importantly, rely on her Heavenly Father to be her constant companion.

In the summer of 2012 Kimberly picked her feet up again and literally took off… to New York! No job, no place to live, no actual plan. However, she had two critical things in her corner. The first was a grand spirit of adventure, and the second was a wonderful best friend who was willing to do the same!

One month later Hurricane Sandy roared down the eastern seaboard followed by two of the most brutal consecutive winters in recent history. During such harsh conditions, jobs were difficult to find, friendships took time to develop, and finances were snug (to say the least). But these two little adventures kept their feet off the ground and refused to slow their momentum.

Three years later, New York is temporarily her home. After spending a glorious 11 days with her my heart is overwhelmed with God’s faithfulness! The very lessons developed in the crucible of Argentina have manifested themselves in New York exponentially.

She has learned to immerse herself in this very unique, metro-riding, activity-driven culture. She has established an enviable community of friendships that extends way beyond the boundaries of faiths, gender, nationalities, and common interests. New York is filled to the brim with opportunities, options, and adventure. Kimberly has chosen, again, to quiet her fears and literally leap out of her comfort zone. She has added a wealth of wonderful experiences to her already full dance card with no end in sight!

Finally, this girl trusts God with her whole heart, day in and day out! She looks to Him for guidance when she’s at an impasse. She has learned to “Love God, Love others” with her entire being. She exhibits CARPE VITA to the hilt.

Kimberly’s future is unclear, but that’s just the way she wants it! Her feet are up and she’s going strong in this particular direction but she remains open and anxious for whatever is next on her horizon. What a wonderfully ABUNDANT way to live! What a glorious opportunity to allow the Holy Spirit to do His work through her! May I learn from her example and break out of my structured, rule-driven life. May I immerse myself in the culture around me, establish and maintain genuine friendships, be open, to new adventures, and, above all, trust in my magnificent Creator to be my constant companion! May I continuously be reminded to pick my feet up and GO!!

“Risk, fear, and FAITH are the common denominators of those who God finds great delight in and chooses to use mightily.”                                                                                                                                                             -Chip Ingrim, Holy Ambition


Kimberly’s Words of Wisdom…

  • Be intentional at being bad at NOT making friends!
  • Embrace the idea that “You can’t fire the treat lady” 🙂
  • Above all… Love God, Love others, Period!

Feet Up and Go!

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.”

II Tim. 1:7

At the advice of a sweet friend, I watched a Netflix documentary called, Long Way Round. (Side note! LOTS of language!) It chronicles the real life journey of Ewan McGregor and his buddy, Charley Boorman. Their adventure began in London, England and ended (months later) in New York City – they literally rode motorcycles the long way ’round the globe! I was mesmerized at the planning, the preparation, the interpersonal hurdles they need to overcome, and the sheer tenacity of the project! It instantly inspired me!

I have always been a fan of motorcycles, but now… I’m definitely determined to expand my horizon to include a road trip of some undetermined length and destination. Baby steps. Knowing virtually nothing about motorcycles (“virtually” is generous), I have begun this project on my darling son’s moped (it’s a 150 – don’t judge me). Under his tender tutelage I initiated the process of learning the simple steps needed to maneuver a two wheeled machine. He sensed my fear and sweetly prodded my progress with gentle encouragement, just what I needed! I experienced my first “ride” around the neighborhood and was absolutely elated to have begun!

Knowing that practice is the key to any new endeavor, I set out the next day on another attempt. This time, my youngest son was my guide. His approach was more of a deep-end-of-the-pool experience… again, just what I needed! He also sensed my fear, but knowing that I had been given the training and tender encouragement the previous day, he forced me to remove my imaginary training wheels with the charge… FEET UP & GO! I went from fearful to terrified (I nearly hit the parked car directly across the street). From terrified to confident. And then from confident to victorious with those four simple words!

How often is our spiritual journey similar? We feel God’s tender prodding. We sense His undeniable, loving encouragement. We gain assurance in His call. But it is not until we pick our “feet” up and go that we experience the utter elation that only sheer obedience can bring! He doesn’t want to short-cut our experience. If we are to boldly step out in confidence, it will often require that we take the long way ’round. That we intentionally place ourselves in positions of uncertain vulnerability. That we remind ourselves daily of His constant companionship.

He has NOT given us a spirit of fear and timidity which is defined as a cowardice that tends to manifest itself in the shrinking away from daily difficulties. He is calling us to be men and women who deliberately and intentionally set aside our natural tendencies to shy away from challenges and pick our feet up and GO!

Over the next handful of weeks I’m excited to share stories of people in our lives who have chosen to live by this mandate. I look forward to learning from them, and passing on their wisdom as we’re all on this road trip together!

“Obedience means that I have completely placed my trust in Christ, and my obedience is immediately met by the delight of the supernatural grace of God.” -Oswald Chambers


  • What is calling calling you to DO today?
  • Am I dragging my “feet” in cautious hesitancy?
  • Am I willing to pick my feet up and go in grateful anticipation?

Pass The P’s Please

Happy Monday! Some days are simply more playful than others, this is one of those days… I hope this puts a smile on your face and a spring in your step 🙂

You, Lord, give perfect peace

to those who keep their purpose firm

and put their trust in you.

Isaiah 26:3

Most kids hate peas, not me! I have always loved peas! Frozen, canned, fresh, hot, cold, snapped! They are round little bundles of deliciousness and surprise packages of nutrition. They even look inviting! Uncomplicated, individualized vitamin-packed green goodness. Rolling around on the plate, it takes a dedicated pea lover to capture these little illusive rascals!

Recently, I have been positively giddy at my scriptural scavenger hunt for P’s – that is, mandates and encouragements that begin with the letter P. As ridiculous as this sounds, please practice patience as I pontificate (see, it’s fun!).

Here is where I began ….

*pleasing    *potential    *process    *peaceable    *penitent

*prayerful    *patient    *passionate    *pluck (ouch!)    *persuasive

*purposeful    *plant    *perseverance    *pleasant    *perfect

*praise    *preach    *prepare    *playful

Goodness! The list of personal attributes beginning with the letter P is positively persuasive! So, who cares? Lately, I do! As I seek to be obedient to His call on my life, I am often at a loss in how to pray, or better yet, what to specifically pray for in terms of my character. I find that this particular list is filled to the brim with possibilities! As of late, my early morning petitions have been that each day I might be pleasing, passionate, patient, and playful. Confident that His mercies are new each morning, I am thrilled beyond reason to get a fresh start, a renewed handful of minutes packed with potential personal possibilities to practice these particular pleasantries. Some days are easier than others. Life is like that. Some days I utterly fail in one or more (or all) of these four simple commitments. But here’s the best part… when I fail, His power is made perfect in my pitiful weakness! How pleasant is that? Passionately praise-worthy!

So why the list? Because I like words (and lists) and they seem to trigger my brain to simple, uncomplicated, individualized devotion. It’s just so much fun to find creative ways to keep my relationship with the Lord fresh. My way may not be your way, but today might be the perfect day to create your own list. To make a personal commitment to honing your character. To intentionally chisel (round) off some of the sharp edges and exhibit His delightful grace to an unhealthy world.

How powerfully pleasant to ponder God’s plan, His purposes, His prerogative, and His perspective as we practice our personal pursuits according to His good pleasure! Phew!


  • How am I careful to keep my relationship with my Savior fresh?
  • What list is He calling me to create so that I might have a more focused sense of obedience?
  • Am I a delightful blessing to my starving community?


“The LORD God is my strength, and He will make my feet like hinds’ feet, and He will make me to walk on my high places.” Hab. 3:19


 “I love doing preposterous things. I don’t know anything more exhilarating and delightful than turning weakness into strength and fear into faith and that which has been marred into perfection.” -Hind’s Feet-

If you’ve seen the movie, “Night At The Museum”, you know that New York City is home to a Natural History Museum. This is not just any Natural History Museum. Four floors jam-packed with ancient artifacts, dinosaur bones, space paraphernalia, precious gems, and taxidermy creature galore! An enormous hall (it would have to be) houses a full blue whale! Another large arena features a herd of African elephants, giraffes, rhinos, hippos, and anything else you might find in the Serengeti. I loved every single sign/exhibit/post/artifact!

Klipspringer in his comfort zone

Toward the beginning of my recent museum visit I discovered a tiny hoofed quadruped called a Klipspringer that captured my attention. This adventurous little cliff-dweller stands only 22 inches tall and is outfitted with simply remarkable hooves. They have a rubbery texture in the center that helps them grip rock and tough, sharp outer edges that keep them firmly planted on cliff ledges. They not only stand comfortably on the tips of their hooves, but they can place all four hooves simultaneously on a piece of rock no larger than a quarter. A QUARTER!! They are agile and quick. They travel in pairs (as opposed to herds) and they mate for life. They deliver their offspring on slivers of rock faces and immediately train their young how to adapt to high places.

High places… not typically where we “plain dwellers” prefer. Not customarily within our comfortable spiritual habitat. Difficult places. Complicated places. Unstable places. Places often fraught with a profound level of fear and panic. Usually places NOT of our choosing. But yet, Hab. 3:19 reveals God’s glorious, intimate involvement in our high places. In fact, He has specifically designed our “hooves” to confidently navigate our lofty ledges. Sure-footed, able to reach heights previously thought unattainable. Our character is molded as our confidence in Him manifests itself in simple obedience. Fear and panic soon give way to freedom and peace with each apprehensive step we take. Freedom and peace inevitably lead to momentum as we scale personal challenges with confidence and victory!

Today our Heavenly Shepherd is calling us to be reminded that He has made our feet like Klipspringer’s feet and He alone is delighted to be our strength and our salvation as we tread on our high places!


  • What are the high places in my life today?
  • How has God uniquely designed my spiritual hooves?
  • What specific steps of upward obedience is He calling me to take?