Pass The P’s Please

Happy Monday! Some days are simply more playful than others, this is one of those days… I hope this puts a smile on your face and a spring in your step 🙂

You, Lord, give perfect peace

to those who keep their purpose firm

and put their trust in you.

Isaiah 26:3

Most kids hate peas, not me! I have always loved peas! Frozen, canned, fresh, hot, cold, snapped! They are round little bundles of deliciousness and surprise packages of nutrition. They even look inviting! Uncomplicated, individualized vitamin-packed green goodness. Rolling around on the plate, it takes a dedicated pea lover to capture these little illusive rascals!

Recently, I have been positively giddy at my scriptural scavenger hunt for P’s – that is, mandates and encouragements that begin with the letter P. As ridiculous as this sounds, please practice patience as I pontificate (see, it’s fun!).

Here is where I began ….

*pleasing    *potential    *process    *peaceable    *penitent

*prayerful    *patient    *passionate    *pluck (ouch!)    *persuasive

*purposeful    *plant    *perseverance    *pleasant    *perfect

*praise    *preach    *prepare    *playful

Goodness! The list of personal attributes beginning with the letter P is positively persuasive! So, who cares? Lately, I do! As I seek to be obedient to His call on my life, I am often at a loss in how to pray, or better yet, what to specifically pray for in terms of my character. I find that this particular list is filled to the brim with possibilities! As of late, my early morning petitions have been that each day I might be pleasing, passionate, patient, and playful. Confident that His mercies are new each morning, I am thrilled beyond reason to get a fresh start, a renewed handful of minutes packed with potential personal possibilities to practice these particular pleasantries. Some days are easier than others. Life is like that. Some days I utterly fail in one or more (or all) of these four simple commitments. But here’s the best part… when I fail, His power is made perfect in my pitiful weakness! How pleasant is that? Passionately praise-worthy!

So why the list? Because I like words (and lists) and they seem to trigger my brain to simple, uncomplicated, individualized devotion. It’s just so much fun to find creative ways to keep my relationship with the Lord fresh. My way may not be your way, but today might be the perfect day to create your own list. To make a personal commitment to honing your character. To intentionally chisel (round) off some of the sharp edges and exhibit His delightful grace to an unhealthy world.

How powerfully pleasant to ponder God’s plan, His purposes, His prerogative, and His perspective as we practice our personal pursuits according to His good pleasure! Phew!


  • How am I careful to keep my relationship with my Savior fresh?
  • What list is He calling me to create so that I might have a more focused sense of obedience?
  • Am I a delightful blessing to my starving community?

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